
Friday, July 20, 2007

Let the Losing and Winning Begin!!!

This blog has been in my mind for a while. I have many motivations for beginning this 'project', many of them (but not all) are selfish, I must admit.
This blog is going to be about weight loss, one of the biggest challenges of my life. I have been through the 'thick' and 'thin' of it several times. Not healthy at all.
Now I have come to the point where losing weight or not losing weight is a life or death matter. I am now type 2 diabetic, have high blood pressure, and my feet hurt all the time. Walking for exercise is extremely painful so I just don't do it.
I have gained so much weight that most of my clothes no longer fit and I refuse to buy new ones. Soooo my 'wearable' wardrobe is very small.
I could go on and on about how being overweight has complicated my life. But I won't. I don't need to. If you have a weight problem, you already know. If you don't have a weight problem, then you probably don't want those complications detailed.
My daughter has inspired me by beginning her own weight loss program. Because of her success and enthusiasm, I have decided to 'follow in her footsteps'.
By writing this blog, I hope to make myself accountable to you, my readers. I plan on sharing with you my success and challenges. Hopefully this will keep me on the 'straight and narrow' path to weight loss victory.
Another purpose for writing this blog is to provide a place of encouragement and hope for readers who might recognize themselves in my words. I want you to be able to share your victories and your challenges. We can all learn from what you have to say. However, I want this blog to have a positive tone. Please no whining! We are going to be strong and proud because we are working to conquer one of the most difficult challenges life has to offer. If you happen to be overweight, you know what I mean.
I will address the reason for the title of this blog more thoroughly in another post, but for the moment, I will just share some basic thoughts. By losing weight I will win better health, more confidence, a larger wardrobe (with smaller sizes!), and more energy among many other things.
I began today with a no sugar, no processed carbs diet. Things went well today! Tomorrow is another day and I have no idea what it will bring. However, I look forward to writing tomorrow evening with a summary of the day.
Tomorrow I will tell you more about myself and my life.

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