
Monday, December 3, 2007

Thanksgiving Pounds GONE!

Yep. That's right. The pounds I gained at Thanksgiving are gone plus one more! I have now lost a total of 25 pounds!!!!! Yes, yes. Thank you for the applause.
This is so much fun. I looked in my closet this morning and found a 'formerly' too tight dress, that now fits perfectly!!! WoooHooo!!!!
It is really pretty easy for me now. The hardest part of this diet was the beginning. Making the intial committment, and then getting past the first week or two. At first you wonder how on earth you can make it through a meal, let alone a day, without carbs or sugar. The answer: you just do. That's it. Everytime you do make it through a meal or a day without the 'bad for you stuff', then you have more power to make it through the next meal or the next day.
It can be done. I am doing it and you can too!

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