
Saturday, March 22, 2008

Positive Foods? Negative Foods?

Hmmmmm. I just had a thought. Suppose we divide foods into two groups.....positive foods and negative foods.
Positive foods---those foods which bring good things into our lives. Foods which are part of a healthy lifestyle are positive. Foods which help us reach or maintain a heathy weight are positive. Foods which help us feel better about ourselves because we know we are taking care of our bodies by eating them, are positive foods.

Negative foods---those foods which bring 'bad' things into our lives. Foods which promote a unhealthy lifestyle are negative. Foods which keep us from attaining or maintaining a healthy weight are negative. Foods which help make us feel worse about ourselves because we know we are NOT taking of our bodies by eating them, are negative foods.

I can give specific examples of both types of foods, but you know what they are as well as I do. There are also foods which might be positive, unless we eat toooooooo much, then that very same food becomes negative.

Let's focus on eating positive foods---one meal at a time!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Let the Losing and Winning Continue!!!

Yes!!! I have lost a couple more pounds!!! AAAAAnnnnnnnddddd my weight now went into a lower number bracket. You know. Those numbers that end in 0. Those are the milestone weight numbers in my mind. It is the same with weight that has been lost. The numbers that end in 0 are markers of progress. I am one pound from having lost 30 pounds!!!!

In order to fit in my new smaller Directer's Suit (haute chocolate, in color) by the end of July, I must lose 2 more dress sizes which will require a weight loss of 20 more pounds, I think. I have four and a half months to do that. Just over a pound a week. I can do that!

If I just stay focused on what it will feel like to wear that smaller size dress to Mary Kay Seminar in Dallas, then it will be easier to lose the necessary pounds. I know that accomplishment will feel better than dessert will taste during the next few months!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Mary Kay Sales Director Suit--In a Smaller Size

February is the month we order new suits, Mary Kay Sales Director suits, that is. Our suits are always wonderful. Since these suits will be worn countless times for a year, they are well designed and well constructed. They look good on everyone, large and small.
I am currently wearing my second sales director suit which plum colored. I ordered it a year ago when I was larger than I am now. Because I have lost weight, it is large and loose on me. Yea!!!
We begin wearing our new suits in July, at the beginning of our seminar (fiscal) year, four months from now. Hmmmmmm. I didn't want a suit that would be 'large and loose' for this next year sooooooo I ordered my suit two sizes smaller than I am now!
I will let you know how I am progressing toward my new goal:, not just fitting.....But lookin' good in my new haute chocolate colored suit in July!!!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

My Daughter: The Caveman? Cavewoman? Caveperson?

What???? Yes, Lisa has been on the Paleolithic Diet, otherwise known as the 'Caveman Diet' long enough to 'win' some of the benefits that come from 'losing' extra pounds.
She writes articles for the website and has written a couple of articles about her diet. I thought you might be interested in her progress and find inspiration as I did from what she has written.

This is her first article.

This is her second article.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Paleolithic Diet

I was introduced to this diet by my daughter. When she first told me about it, I felt it to be one of those quirky, faddish diets that is here today and gone tomorrow. About a month ago Lisa, my daughter started following the diet and has done very well. Her weight loss has been slow, but steady, and she is feeling great.
This diet is built on the premise that our bodies have not evolved to the point of being able to tolerate our modern day eating habits, and that is why we are afflicted with many of the diseases which are common today. Therefore, the proponents of this diet say that our diet should be patterned after the diet of the caveman!! Perhaps we should talk to the men on the Geiko commercials! Just kidding.

I have included to today's post websites which give solid basic information about this diet.
What do you think, Readers?
This website gives information about the Paleolithic Diet and Multiple-sclerosis connection. Very interesting.
This website from Wikipedia presents very interesting 'pros' and 'cons' about this diet.

Need meal ideas for this diet??? Well, look no further. I am very impressed with this website.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

We Give Power to What We Focus On

I was talking with a friend yesterday about Lent. She said she chose not to give up anything for Lent, but instead chose to use this Lent season to become a better person. She is getting up earlier every morning and spending time reading scripture, meditating and praying.
My immediate response was, "Oh, yes, you are giving up something for Lent. Sleep!". She agreed, but said that she didn't think of it that way. She just knew that she was benefitting from the extra time spent with God and the Bible.
What a wonderful perspective! By focusing on what she was getting rather than what she was giving up, she gave power to the positive aspects, becoming a better person, rather than the negative, giving up sleep, to her choice for Lent.
We can use this way of choosing our focus to help us with our weight loss challenges. By focusing on how wonderful we are going to feel and look when the downsizing is completed, rather than the 'poor me. That cake looks delicious, but I can't even have a bite. sigh", we give power to the positive feelings rather than the negative ones. WoooooHooooo!!! We become a happier person. Our outlook on life is better and we get more done when we choose to focus on the positive outcomes rather than the negative sacrifices.

Here are a couple of useful websites I have found: