
Saturday, March 1, 2008

We Give Power to What We Focus On

I was talking with a friend yesterday about Lent. She said she chose not to give up anything for Lent, but instead chose to use this Lent season to become a better person. She is getting up earlier every morning and spending time reading scripture, meditating and praying.
My immediate response was, "Oh, yes, you are giving up something for Lent. Sleep!". She agreed, but said that she didn't think of it that way. She just knew that she was benefitting from the extra time spent with God and the Bible.
What a wonderful perspective! By focusing on what she was getting rather than what she was giving up, she gave power to the positive aspects, becoming a better person, rather than the negative, giving up sleep, to her choice for Lent.
We can use this way of choosing our focus to help us with our weight loss challenges. By focusing on how wonderful we are going to feel and look when the downsizing is completed, rather than the 'poor me. That cake looks delicious, but I can't even have a bite. sigh", we give power to the positive feelings rather than the negative ones. WoooooHooooo!!! We become a happier person. Our outlook on life is better and we get more done when we choose to focus on the positive outcomes rather than the negative sacrifices.

Here are a couple of useful websites I have found:

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