
Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Do YOU See When You Look In the Mirror?

Do you see a person that is beautiful, capable, and self confident with a healthy self esteem? Or do you look at yourself and see just the opposite? What do you say to the person you see in the mirror? Do you say things that you would never say to someone else? Why are you so willing to hurt your own feelings and fiercely tear yourself down?

I don't have an answer for you any more than I have one for me. One thing I do know, however. we will never be able to be all we could be, or encourage those in our circle of influence to be all they can be, as long as we insist on being our own most negative influence.

Paul McKenna's video training titled, "Your Perfect Body", on his website,, addresses this issue in a powerful way. We don't have to wait till we are thin to begin to love who we are. For me this is wonderful training. I encourage you to watch this video with an open mind, and if it addresses a need in your life, then be willing to seriously give it a try.

What do YOU see when you look in the mirror?

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