
Monday, January 23, 2017

One more, Lord. Just Help Me Lose One More Pound

It has been 12 days since I began using the weight loss app, iTrackBites. I have been able to stay within my point goals each day with only a few extra points needed. So far I have lost almost 5 pounds.

Yes. That's feathers compared to what I must lose to reach my goal. However, marathons are completed by running one yard at a time, and this weight loss journey is definitely a marathon, not a sprint.

My husband and I have been on a little trip this week. There have been several moments of serious temptation to overeat.  Yes. You know. Just one little bite. Just a taste. That won't hurt anything. How many calories/points could be in one little bite. All these things ran through my mind, but one by one, I said no to each temptation and was stronger for it. 

Each time I say no to something I know I should not eat, I am a little closer to reaching my goal and enjoying all those things I have won by losing weight. Yea!!!!!!!

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