
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Two Parts, Both Essential

Ok, so today I had a small bowl of left over spaghetti for lunch. It tasted great, and my intention was to eat some watermelon after I finished the spaghetti.  Well, when my bowl was empty, I was full, but I still wanted the watermelon. No matter what, I wanted the watermelon.  I love watermelon.  Nothing was going to keep me from my serving of watermelon.....

I put some watermelon in a bowl and sat down at the table, still feeling the fullness that came after eating the spaghetti, but dadgumit, I wanted to eat the watermelon.  I ate about three bites, and then I decided that the watermelon would taste better in the middle of the afternoon as a snack.  I put it back in the refrigerator to save for later.  There.  I felt better.  I didn't over eat, nor did I deprive myself. I'm looking forward to some delicious watermelon in a couple of hours.

Conscious eating (eating the way slender people eat) has two major components that are essential to the success of this plan.  Naturally slender people don't think about this.  They do both parts, uh, naturally.  Those of us who are challenged in the area of controlling our food intake must consciously be aware of and be compliant with both components.

Next post: A discussion of the two components.

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