
Sunday, February 3, 2019

A Sigh of Satisfaction

I  found an article on the Fox News website a few days ago about a lady, a celebrity, who has lost about 60 pounds.  In the article she shared that her niece had helped her learn how to eat mindfully, recognizing her body's 'full' signal, and then knowing its time to push her plate away and stop eating.  This was interesting me because conscious/mindful eating has been the focus of my plan for losing weight.
An involuntary sigh is your body's indicator for fullness, she stated.  Hmmmm. An involuntary sigh. I had never heard that before. However, after a little research, there are some articles about our bodies giving us the 'I'm full" signal by letting out a sigh of satisfaction. So I'm going to begin paying attention more to my body when I eat and see if that's true. A sigh of satisfaction. 

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