
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Are You Living in the State of Denial? I have been.

You know, living in the state of Denial (our 51st state?) is not a bad place to be. It is peaceful there. Reality doesn't bother you......, well, except for those nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that just won't go away, but they are easy to ignore, at least for a while. You can do what you want, just keep denying, denying, denying.

Yep. That was me. For a long time, actually. What was I denying? Well, if you remember, I am diabetic. I was diagnosed over two years ago. I have never taken diabetic medicine, just 'controlled' it with my diet. Yea, right.

It was easy for me to convince myself that I really wasn't diabetic, because many times I tested my blood sugar and had normal readings. Soooo I began to eat whatever I wanted, and I quit testing. The State of Denial.

I'm not sure what made me decide to emerge from my extended vacation in that state. Perhaps it was because I had decided to get tests done, mammogram, colonoscopy, endoscopy, pap, etc. I don't know.

Anyway, I bought some test strips. The ones I had had expired...... I tested my blood sugar. It was 167. Not horrible, but not good. I tested my husband's blood sugar. He had eaten exactly the same thing I had eaten four hours earlier. His was 116. Sigh. I could deny it no longer.

If I wanted to be healthy, I had to realistically face, accept, and deal with this disease. Yep. I had to change my address from the State of Denial to the State of Reality.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Do You Begin Again?

Well, it has become necessary to once again begin at the beginning of yet another weight loss journey. Sigh. Once again. Once again. The truth, the hard truth is that those of us who have weight challenges will be battling it off and on all our lives. Right? When we are not battling it, then we are losing the war. At least that has been my experience. When my guard is down, when I think I don't need to worry about my weight, when I think that one slice of chocolate cake doesn't matter, well, that is when I am gaining and losing, instead of losing and winning!
It will soon become evident that not only does my health, but my very life is dependent upon controlling what and how much I eat. More on this in another post.
It is time to face the hard truth and deal with it. How about you? Do you also have 'hard truth' to face? Nothing is to be gained (except weight) by ignoring what you don't want to face. Let's get real....get tough...get rid of what is holding us down. More to come.