
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Won't Have the Gall to Do That Any More!

Yes, that comment came from my pastor.
I had gall bladder surgery on Dec. 7, and am just now sitting back down at my computer to begin catching up on things. The surgery went very well, and I have seven souvenir gall stone stones ranging from pea to dime size to show for it.
The pain and nausea from this surgery has been low to moderate, but the level of weakness and fatigue has been high. My senior Mary Kay director shared some wisdom with me that has been right on target. She told me that gall bladder surgery is confusing to the body and system. We normally associate surgery with acute pain and suffering. Because I am not experiencing much of either, my mind wants to dismiss the fact that I have had surgery, while my body has been traumatized and is very much feeling the effects of it. I need to allow my body to heal on its terms and give it time to do just that.
At this point I must be wise and allow that process to go forward. Oh, yes, I lost another pound!

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