
Saturday, July 21, 2007

gain, lose, gain, lose, gain

Maintaining a healthy weight has always been next to impossible for me. It seems that all my life I have been either gaining or losing, never maintaining. Again. Not healthy. I am going to work to make sure that the weight I lose now, stays off. Yes, this is much easier said than done, but I am going to think positively here. Of course, I must do more than think positively and when I am ready to cross that bridge, I know I will do what is necessary to keep from gaining back my weight.

I am an over 50 woman who lives in Texas. I have been a teacher for many years, but am currently a Mary Kay Director. I have a wonderful husband who has been with me and loved me through 'thick and thin'. He is my best friend, and strongest supporter. We have two grown children, a son and a daughter, who continually make us proud. Our daughter is married to 'my favorite son-in-law', a wonderful man who has become solidly part of our family.

I grew up in a family that was compulsive---about food. We did not drink alcohol and it was a good thing. If we had been raised with alcohol, my sisters and I are sure that we would all be alcoholics! Food was our addiction, our drug of choice, our compulsion.

Therefore, I have battled all my life with controlling my desire to eat. For periods of time I would be in control of my appetite and sometimes it was in control of me.

About 15 years ago I joined Overeater's Anonymous. A wonderful decision. It gave me hope. I will be writing more about my time in this organization and the things I learned.

If you know and understand what I mean about eating compulsively, I encourage you to find an Overeaters Anonymous meeting in your area. You can log on to and find local meetings as well as online meetings.

Of course, because dieting is a health issue, please talk to your doctor before beginning any weight loss program.

Today has been a good day for me. It is my 2nd day on this low carb, no processed carb, no sugar diet. I have to be creative with my food, because I have not yet gone to the store and bought appropriate food. So I ate what I have on hand.

It feels good to be winning again, by losing!

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