
Thursday, September 27, 2007

I am such a visual person when it comes to food. My temptations to eat wrong things are much stronger when I can see the 'offending food'. Because I know this, I try to have tunnel vision when it comes to food. I try not to allow myself to gaze longingly at foods that I love, but do not fit in my eating plan. But you know there are times when I get caught off guard.
I walked into the hospital cafeteria this morning, having already decided what I was going to have for breakfast, bacon and 2 eggs, over medium. Had I not already made this decision, I could have easily been derailed by the first food I laid eyes on--breakfast rolls, covered in caramel and pecans and frosted cinniman rolls. Oh my, they looked good. No, they looked delicious. Yes, after just a second or two, I went straight to the grill and ordered my eggs. No, lingering by the sugary foods. Not allowed.
For me, it is the unexpected foods that pose the biggest temptations. I can decide ahead of time and 'steel' myself when I know what foods I will be faced with. It is the 'suddenly in your face' moments that are almost my undoing. At those times, I allow myself no time to waver, no time to negotiate, no opportunity to say yes. I quickly turn away and stay focused on what I know is right, what I know is best for me- staying true to my diet and healthy lifestyle.
These moments are not easy, but I am always glad when I have made the best decision, the right decision.

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