
Saturday, April 12, 2008

McKenna's 4th Golden Rule

Golden Rule #4: When you think you are full, STOP eating. OK, now this is hard. First of all, knowing and accepting that 'satisfied' or 'full' feeling as being our stopping signal can be difficult. As overeaters, we continue to eat until we get that 'stuffed' feeling. Then we force ourselves to stop. That is, unless we continue to nibble while we put away the leftovers and clean the dishes. We are also accustomed to eating until the food is gone. Yep. The old 'clean your plate' habit.
The second part of this Golden Rule that is challenging is to actually STOP eating when we do reach the recognized 'satisfied or full' point. Last night, my husband and I grilled some chicken breasts on our new grill. Yum. It was great. The problem? I got full before I had finished eating my portion! Oh, no! I didn't want to stop. It tasted so good!
I had 3 choices here. (1) eat it anyway and defeat the good McKenna's program is going for me. (2) save it for later. I could have had a small snack before it went to bed. (3) give it to my husband to eat. I chose #3. I won!!! I was satisfied and didn't overeat!!!
If you would like to learn more about this Golden Rule and specifics on how to implement it into your life, log on to and register. Then you can read the excellent suggestions contained in the Community section of the website.

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