
Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Weight Loss Victories

How do you define victory when you are trying to 'downsize' your size? Is it reaching your target weight? Is it being able to wear that outfit in that particular size?
All my life I have struggled with my weight. Well, struggled off and on all my life. There were times when I wasn't struggling, when I should have been. Then I would have had less weight to struggle with when I did struggle.
I digress. For years I had a particular weight, a certain number on my scales (no, I'm not going to tell you) that represented victory for me. It didn't matter whether the number on the scales were up or down. I was not happy with my weight unless it was that perfect number.
The problem? I can only remember a couple of times when I actually achieved that weight, and never did I remain at that target number for even a month. Therefore, in my mind, I was always failing at dieting, never succeeding, never happy or satisfied with my weight loss.
After joining Overeaters Anonumous, I began to realize that for me victory must be defined differently if I was going to ever feel successful at this weight loss thing.
Victory is glancing (no, not looking, too dangerous) at the dessert table during a church dinner and walking away. Victory is wanting to snack on Cheesits, but eating an apple instead. Victory is eating one of something instead of two or three.
Weight Loss Victories are small decisions which will make you stronger the next time you face a temptation. They are empowering and motivating. These small decisions, made over and over, will have a cumulative effect on your weight and your self confidence. It is small weight loss victories that will ultimately lead you to your desired weight and size! Let's hear it for small vicotries!!!!
Perhaps you have a Weight Loss Victory you would like to share. We can all be encouraged by your experience. Please tell us about it by commenting on this blog. Thanks for sharing!

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